To set up next school year's database, we're going to use the Copy Database function.  The process is quick and customizable based on your needs.  If you get stuck, have any troubles or any concerns, please do not hesitate to submit a ticket through this portal.

  1. Head to System > System Setup > Databases.
    A list of databases will appear on the screen. The most recent should appear at the top, (Typically you'll want to copy this year's database, but you can also copy an older database if you want.)

  2. Click Copy next to the database you wish to use.

  3. Under Database Setup you'll be prompted to enter the base configuration for the database. It'll automatically populate with the next year's information.
    • Adjustments for the Starting Year, Database Name, and Database ID should be atypical, but you can make and changes if needed.
    • There's a Summer Star and End Date, and a School Year Start and End Date - make sure these dates encompass all route start and end dates.  Billing will not run outside of the ranges you specify here.  You can always adjust these dates in the future if you need to.

  4. Next under Copy Data Settings you have a number of choices to customize how your data is copied.
    • Students - Copy students and student related data.  There are additional options to customize how the data is copied, including:
    • Graduate previous 12th Graders - This will not delete students, but simply deactivate thme so they are hidden from basic searches.
    • Don't Graduate Classified (Special Ed) 12th Graders - Keeps your special students that are in 12th grade from being deactivated, allowing you to manually review and inactivate the ones that have graduated manually.
    • Increment Student Grade Level - move each kid up one grade level (From K to 1, 1 to 2, 2 to 3, etc).
    • Member Districts - Copy all Member Districts and associated information and contacts.

    • Destination Schools - Copy all Destination Schools, including their parent districts and associated contacts.
    • Copy School Calendars (not typical) - Not needed when copying from one year to the next, but can be used if duplicating a year to a test database.
    • Contractors - Copy all Contractors and associated information and contacts.

    • Routes - Copy all Routes and associated information with the route.
    • Increase route cost by [ 0.0 ]% - This is where you can plug in the CPI percentage for the year. The system will always round down the amount as per state regulations. The CPI increase is based on the total cost of the route, and added to the per-diem rate (routes with perannum amounts will be adjusted accordingly). Aide costs are not altered.
    • Set Route Origination Date to Starting Date - Sets the route starting date to the dates specified above in the Database Setup section.
    • Copy Addendums (not typical) - Not needed when copying from one year to the next, but can be used if duplicating a year to a test database.
    • Clear Contractors associated with Routes - Will erase all contractors assignments to routes.
    • Clear Contract Approval and Number if Expired - If the Contract Approval date specified on the Routes screen falls before the start of the dates listed above in the Database Setup section, the Contract Approval and Contract Expiration fields will be cleared out.
    • Remove Routes that were Terminated - Any route that was listed as being terminated (has a Terminated date entered on the Routes screen) will not be copied over.
    • Remove Quoted Routes - Any route that is identified as being a Quoted route on the Routes screen will not be copied over.
    • Students on Routes - Copies all students that are associated with routes that are being copied over.  This option is not available if Routes is unchecked above.
    • Set Student Start Date to Route Starting Date - Will align the student start date of the route to the same date the route is set to start.
    • Remove Students that left a Route - If a student was terminated from a route, they will not be copied over to the new database.
    • Billing - Not needed when copying from one year to the next, but can be used if duplicating a year to a test database. All billing information, including Billing Cycles, Batches, Invoices, and Accounts Receivables will be copied over. No dates are adjusted.

  5. Click Save. After a few moments, the system will have completed the operation. A log appears (to help troubleshoot any issues that may have come up), but ideally a green banner will appear at the top indicating the procedure was a success.

  6. Click Close and you should see your newly created database at the top!