What is a Route  Billing Type?

Route Billing Types are extremely important to how BusPro bills for routes.

  • They define Administrative Fee options.
    When you want to associate a fee to a client Member District, you specify the percentage by the Route Billing Type. The system will display input fields for every Route Billing Type you have defined.

  • Each route is associated with a single Route Billing Type.
    You specify what type of Route Billing Type should be applied to each route. This way the system will know what fee to associate to your Member District when invoices are processed.

  • Invoices are numbered by Route Billing Types.
    When processing invoicing, each Route Billing Type will have it's own invoices grouped together, and the invoice will begin with an prefix defined by the Route Billing Type.  For example, "Public" routes could have the Invoice Prefix of "P" and then all invoices created for Public routes will begin with "P," followed by the Batch ID, and then the unique invoice number.

How do I adjust Route Billing Types?

Please note that you should probably reach out to support if you want to modify your Route Billing Types.  You won't be able to delete a Route Billing Type once you've opened a batch, and in many case you may run into conflicts if you haven't already adjusted every route off of this billing type.  If you feel comfortable with what you are doing, you can access and modify this through System > Billing > Route Billing Types.

This screen will allow you to edit the Name and Invoice ID of existing Route Billing Types, deactivate previously used Route Billing Types, and add new Route Billing Types.

When editing an existing Route Billing Type, you do have the option to Delete it, however again in most situations the database will prevent you from doing so unless you have 100% cleared out every route that has used this Route Billing Type, and ensured no batches have opened up for the year.