Starting with BusPro version 2.2, you now have the ability to edit invoices.  These modifications actually impact a number of large scale changes in the database, since editing a finalized invoice needs to be tracked in some fashion.  When editing a finalized invoice, the following message will appear first:

Editing and saving the following invoice will void the original invoice and create a copy identified using an incremented decimal notation. 

Invoice numbers follow a pattern of XBB-NNNNNN with X being the route type, BB being the batch identifier, and NNNNNN being the invoice number.  In order to maintain the history of changes to an invoice, the original invoice is voided, and a copy is created.  To identify and distinguish between the two different invoices, a new decimal notation is added to the end of the invoice number, leading to an invoice that looks something like S04-000014.01.  Specifically, a decimal is added to the end of the invoice, and a two digit number is added to the end.  The decimal portion of the number will always start as .01.  If you make an additional change after the first revision, the modified invoice will be voided, a copy created, and the decimal will be incremented to .02.

The system has a limit of 99 revisions per individual invoice.

All of the original invoices will continue to be listed in the system, but voided, allowing you to review any changes that occurred to that invoice, in the event you need to refer back to the original amount.  Once an invoiced is edited, payment can only be applied to the now open and modified invoice.  Once partial or full payment is applied, the invoice can no longer be edited or voided.  Payment must be removed first before you can edit or void and invoice.