New Features and End User Changes

Route Notes and Route Details

When working on the Route Details screen, a new right panel shows up on the right side with quick details on the route, and an option to add notes.  When a route has notes added to it, the tab will display a special "note" icon to easily identify the addition of these notes.

First Installment Batch Invoice Generation

You can now automatically create the invoices for the First Installment Batch instead of requesting support to generate them for you.  (This function was added prior to the release, but was not included in the documentation.)  The system will prompt you to select an existing billing cycle in order to save the invoices appropriately.

Select Tab Remembered When Using Next/Previous Buttons

Now when you use the next or previous arrows in the navigation bar, the tab you are on will be remembered.  As an example, if you have a student selected and are on the Aid in Lieu tab, clicking on the "Next" arrow in the navigation bar will bring you to the next student's Aid in Lieu tab.

Per Annum Route Cost Option

When adding or editing a route or addendum, a new "Per Annum" cost option is available.  Check the box to enable this feature, and then plug in the values desired.  By default, the information will be populated based on the existing "Per Diem" cost times 180 days, but this can be altered.  Note: The system will calculated a "Per Diem" amount based on what is entered on the Per Annum fields, and then bill according to the calculated Per Diem rate.

Manual Invoices and Previous Invoices Now Use Sortable Lists

Just like other lists on BusPro, the Manual Invoices screen and the Previous Invoices list screen now use the sortable list, allowing you to sort by Invoice Number, District, Amount, etc.

Edit Invoice Function for Past Batches

Past batches can now have their invoices modified using similar logic as the manual invoice process.  This incorporates a brand new decimal style notation to indicate that an invoice has been modified after it was finalized.  The original invoice will be voided and left in the system for reference, but the new invoice will be listed with the same invoice number, followed by a .01, .02, etc.  More information on how this works can be found here.

Manual Invoice / Edit Invoice Line Items now Search Routes

When entering in line items for manual invoices or editing past batch invoices, the Route Number field will now search the active routes list and display them for you.  Selecting one will automatically fill in the Route Number and Description field for you, saving you data entry.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue when adding bus stops under certain circumstances would result in an error (T1017).
  • Fixed issue preventing batch invoices from printing.
  • Fixed issue where system notifications were not being saved to the database properly.
  • Fixed issue where bus stops wouldn't show in the correct order or save correctly when adding or editing students (T1058).
  • Fixed issue where Contract Numbers of unapproved routes would not be saved (T1072).
  • Fixed redundant Origination and Termination text on the Students > Routes screen.
  • Fixed issue where non-finalized invoices showed on the student and district billing screens.
  • Fixed issue where dollar amounts over one million would not display properly.
  • Fixed issue where total vehicle cost and aide cost might not display on the Route > Route Details tab.
  • Fixed issue where the "Add new schools" dialog wouldn't show correct search results under some circumstances (T1083).
  • Fixed issue where the payment applied amount in the Billing > Accounts Receivables screen was doubled (T1085).
  • Fixed issue where Route Addendum's could be displayed above a more recent Route Origination date.
  • Fixed issue where the Route > Students screen might show wrong bus stop numbers when waypoints are used (T1279).
  • Fixed issue where the Emergency Contact 2 on the Students > Demographics tab wasn't being saved (T1316).
  • Fixed issue where Billing > Manual Invoices would list the invoiced amount without the fee in certain circumstances.
  • Fixed issue where changes to a District or Receiving School's contacts weren't being displayed correctly (T1321).
  • Google Authentication was updated as per Google's deprecation of Google+ Authentication APIs.