End User Changes

Breadcrumb Navigation Bar

A new navigation bar appears across the top every page with breadcrumb links allowing you to step back to previous screens without needing to use your browser's back button.

Database Switching

The database switcher is now located in the top right corner (next to the My Reports link) instead of a drop-down on the left-side navigation bar.

Search Results Remembered

Search Results are now remembered from when you leave to when you come back.  So if you search for "smith" on the student page, you'll see your results.  Click on one, and if you go back to the Student Search page, the results will still be there.  Also, arrows in the new breadcrumb navigation bar will let you move from record to record without the need to jump back to the search results screen.

Search Results Display and Sorting

We heard the complaints - now all search results will show a header row with column labels so you know what the results returned are.  In addition, the header row will remain on top as you scroll down the results, and you can now sort results quickly and effortlessly by simple clicking on one of the column headers.

Search Results Filter

A new filter option appears at the bottom of the Search Results panel letting you easily hide inactive rows on the search results screen.  Inactive rows are typically deactivated students, terminated routes, withdrawn students from routes, etc.  These lines show up in a light gray and now can easily be hidden by simply clicking the Hide Inactive Records link.

Combined Summer and School Year Database

Moving forward, the Summer and School Year Databases will be merged, so you don't need to enter students, contractors, districts, and schools twice - once in the Summer database and once in the School Year database.  This will be visible in the 2018-19 database that will be available shortly.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where Students on Route detail window would not appear.
  • Fixed issue where pages with multiple tables would have unpredictable actions when clicking on records.
  • Fixed issue where selected all or none of the rows in a table would also select all or none of the rows on every other table on the page.
  • Fixed issue where Route screen could become unresponsive when clicking on a row; it tried to open the results window multiple times at once.
  • Fixed issue where Route screen bus stop menu icons don't appear correctly.
  • Removed LDAP Login option for increased security.
  • Fixed issue where Contracts or Students couldn't be clicked on District and School pages.
  • Fixed issue where holding down the Control key wouldn't let you select multiple records at one time.
  • Fixed issue where contractor personnel couldn't be added.
  • Fixed issue where contractor personnel salary wouldn't save correctly.
  • Fixed issue where searching for students by Member District wouldn't pull up the correct results.

Future Development

We have the following features coming out soon that were penned for BusPro v2.0 but didn't make the cut.  These are in no particular order and there is no definitive date as to when each will be implemented.

Bug: Search Results Sorting Remembered

While search results are remembered and let you traverse them through the breadcrumb navigation bar, sort order is not preserved and will be ignored when clicking from one record to the next.

Bug: Fix billing screen on Student pages and on Member District pages

A page to display billing results on a student by student or district by district basis displays an error message that billing has not yet been set up instead of the expected results.

Feature: Multiple Receiving Schools

Students records should be able to store multiple receiving schools, as they can be placed on multiple routes with different destinations.

Feature: Optimize Routes

A feature lost when the routing screen was altered to improve speed and accuracy was the ability to click a single button and optimize the route, to find the best possible route by ordering the bus stops into a best-possible order.

Feature: Notifications

A new notification system is needed to track and alert users of changes, warning, and issues across any aspect of the system, including billing, compliance, etc.

Feature: Un-void an invoice

Allow an invoice to become active again in the event is was voided in error.

Feature: Edit a closed invoice

Allow an invoice to be edited after it has been finalized.  This would add a new increment value to the end of the invoice number, like S11-000123.1